"Ohhhhh! What the. .. wait. ..ummmm. . . freaking stink!"
That's what was going through my head when I opened the back doors of my truck and saw these freaked out yellow eyes peering at me from beneath the stroller tossed in the back. I was backed into the loading dock at Bee Maid honey, picking up some of the sweet stuff for my first test run of energy bars, there were a handful of guys standing on the loading dock, so I was already nervous about backing up in the right spot, not getting into the way of the semi driver beside me, and basically looking as professional as I could. (you know, so they didn't suspect that I was a hick mom from the country who didn't know how to act in the big city;)
Well, apparently my cover was blown when my extremely pregnant and scared out of her freaking mind cat leaped into my FACE and attempted to run into the plant. Nice. Professional. . you bet? Stink.
I totally got all weird and couldn't think straight. .. all I could focus on was not letting Ninja (prego cat) escape while at the same time getting my honey loaded. (No logic entered brain) So I raced to the front of the truck, tossed her in. .. .ran like snot to the back of the truck to quickly load a barrel of honey before she came screaming over the seat into my face again. SCRATCHING ALL THE WAY. I'd catch her and start the whole process over again, painfully aware that I was being watched, but too dazed to even care. It worked the first time. .. for the second and third barrels Ninja was onto my game and upped the ante with her lightening speed. After a few more failed attempts to get the other barrels loaded I chanced a frazzled look up onto the loading dock. . .yup. All the guys were staring at me as I feared. I zeroed in on the one with the kindest (least disgusted eyes) and asked if he's either load the honey for me or hold my pregnant cat. I felt like such a winner, let me tell ya. He laughed and said he was just waiting for me to ask:) Nice. Teach me to be all independent and stupid.
He opted for loading the honey. I don't blame him.
I still had two more stops that day, but had to cut my city day short due to the "sounds". .. coming from Ninja. I can't even really say they were sounds. .. it was more like a ghost giving birth. .. yeah, without an epidural either. I raced home listening to the horrifying harmonies of what I thought were crazy cat birthing pains. But she must have just been writhing in fear, cause she's still prego. Whew.
I'm sure I made an impression over there at Bee Maid. Better luck next time?
Tomorrow my goal is to have the first batch of bars through the factory, packaged and ready to present to retail FOR SALE! We shall see, the technical challenges thus far have almost done me in. Lord help me.