So. . .I'm sorry and secretly not sorry at all to report that Grandpa Snazzy slayed it! 400 energy bars came rolling off the line last weekend. . .WITH NOT ONE SINGLE BLASTED PROBLEM. .zing. . .and BOOM!
So while I can't offer any mispackaged cheapo energy bars for sale. .. I'm thrilled and shocked to report that those suckers sold out in a matter of days thanks to my zealous "unofficial" sales people. know who you are. . .THEY ARE GONZO. . . thanks to everyone who snatched these babies up. I'm making another batch of 600 over the next 2 days. . .if you want some I'm offering them at a promo price of $2.67 per bar before tax. . .after tax that's 3 bucks a bar. .. and these guys aren't all packed with corn syrup and crisps with a few almonds thrown in for looks either. . .they are uber filling and filled with locally grown super foods like ground flax, hemp, honey, sunflower seeds, oats, pumpkin seeds and pea fiber! All grown right here in Manitoba:) Not to mention the organic chocolate chips and sprouted brown rice protein. . .they pack a high quality punch. .. for realz.
An idea is brewing. . .it's the result of a conversation I had with a few friends the other night. . .We were talking about how crazy filling these bars are, (cause they are filled with healthy fats, loads of fiber and nutrition from REAL FOOD) and we came up with an idea for a CHALLENGE. . .what if you replaced one meal a day for one month with a gorp bar and a piece of high fiber fruit or veggie? What would happen? Hmmm. . .so I'm doing some research and writing something up. .. I need a few volunteer test subjects (free gorp bars of course) and we will see if Gorp could be used as a tool to drop some excess poundage! Half the battle is satiety. . .I think this could work.
. . .Oh and any tips on how to get black PERMANENT marker out of my much loved midcentury modern camel leather chair would be much appreciated. .. any ideas? It was attack of the Moses. While I was scrubbing (unsuccessfully) at the marked up chair he proceeded to the bathroom and dumped all his wooden blocks into the toilet. . .and I just have to add that a little boy who shall remain nameless forgot to FLIPPING flush.AGAIN. .so yeah. FUN. .good thing grandpa snazzy worked or else I may have been a little less forgiving that day. . .. man alive!
Anyways. . .better get gorping;)
Have an awesome day!