I lost my dad to ALS 2 years ago today. It kind of snuck up on me. . .sideways like.
Maybe because lately I've been feeling like a 35 year old little girl. (The crying incident from my last post might have something to do with that;) But, in the last few months I've been having a lot of firsts, and maybe that's why I've been really feeling the void of my father. He was also a "serial" entrepreneur, (which I believe is a gene yet to be discovered). . .for better or worse, he passed that DNA down. He would just love to be a part of what I'm going through right now. .. .and funny enough I miss him the most when I'm standing in my shipping area packing boxes. We spent many hours together in the shipping department at Word Alive, the business I grew up watching and working in, and boy did we laugh. . .he was such a GIANT GOOF! Plus he had the best smile, also GIANT and contagious. . . .ahhhhhh. . . . . stink. . . I feel the tears welling up as I type. . .I've apparently also inherited the inappropriate crying gene. .. .;)
. . .I so want to talk to him right now.
Yesterday one of the guys that works with us on the farm was driving his father around the yard and we stopped and talked for a few minutes. . .and then it just smacked me in the face. How neat would it be to have a father alive when I'm in my 40's and 50's. . and even 60's?? A silly revelation that shouldn't have really hit me my surprise. .. but it did. It's kind of weird though. .. how God knows what you need before you've even consciously formed the thought. He seems to put some pretty cool people in my path. . .people that want to help me for no reason. . .people who in some small way provide the shot in the arm to me just when I need it. .. kinda like a father would do. . . He's such a good God.
Nobody will ever measure up in the goofy department though and that's o.k. . .I don't even want them too. . .that was his. . .and I want to keep missing him for that. . .he's not replaceable.
Well dad. . .I'll see ya on the other side. . .while I'm here I plan to swing for the fences and die trying!
. . .missing our laughs in shipping and uncontrollable fits of giggles in Costco. . .thinking of you today.
Love col