Once or twice a year I go STARK RAVING WILD in Indigo and buy 500 self help/business books.O.k. fine. .. it's more like 10 but it feels like 500 when I look at my visa bill. . he he oops! But I have to say. .. this one makes up for any duds that snuck their way into my cart. This fellow (Guy Kawasaki, former Apple guy who was one of the genius's behind the success of Macintosh) he had me at Hello.
His first words on the inside cover were: "A child is the ultimate start up, and I have three. This makes me rich."
I love it. This guy is a cut to the chase, no bull shit kinda writer. But with an encouraging wit and candor that doesn't make you feel bad about everything you aren't doing right, he's just downright motivating without an ounce of ego to leave a sour taste on your tongue and a furrow in your brow. I think I'm in love.
On page 1 of Chapter 1 I already know this book was worth every penny. He starts with stating and defining the 5 things anyone starting anything must accomplish, here they are:
I fell in love with this book at MAKE MEANING. It's that intangible sense in my brain that drives me. .. but I never knew how to define it. .. of course. . .it's the deep seeded desire for purpose, to make meaning.
I think we all have this desire. .. but it's not always defined in our own brains so effectively, and often gets confused or mislabeled resulting in a sense of deprivation because on some level we are unhappy or stressed about our life but don't know why. It's probably because we desire to MAKE MEANING but don't aim our decisions in a direction that will accomplish this because we don't realize that that's just what we want. .. MEANING. .. just a thought?
He throws in this quote which sums up the concept perfectly:
"I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out; that is the reason why I compose."
- Ludwig van Beethoven
How awesome eh!? What is inside your heart that has to come out? Not for what other people will think of you. .. but simply because it was put in you, you were created for it to come out?
Such great thoughts. .. and all that was on the first page of this book. .. .there are a ton of other "dang this guy is smart" moments. . .I'm on page 106 and can't wait to start reading it over again the moment I turn the last page. He also wrote a book called "Rules for Revolutionaries" which I can't get to the store quick enough to snatch up.
In other news:) Listen to CJOB on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. to hear mine and Grant's interview with Larry McIntosh from Peak of the Market on his radio show called "Food and Friends with Peak of the Market's Larry McIntosh"!!!! So exciting. . . .ALTHOUGH. . .I have to say I'm a little nervous about hearing my own voice on radio. . especially my cackle which I was lucky enough to inherit from my dear old uncle Buck. .. hmmmm. . ..
Anyways. .. think about the MAKING MEANING thing in your own life. . .it's an awesome conversation to have with yourself:)
GORP out.